Sunday, January 23, 2011

SO here it is!

Day 1.  What does beauty mean to you?

First of all let me say that this first question is very very easy/hard for me. Let me first and foremost say what I find beauty in...because it is easy for me to find beauty in people/things around me. So pictures do say a thousand words so that's what I shall use!

First and foremost, being saved, by grace...DAILY...and the wonderful saviour that holds my heart and uses the holy spirit to convict me. Being saved over and over again every day is just BEAUTIFUL. Simply amazing and nothing could be more beautiful than that to me. But not only am I a sinner and saved. I am BLESSED beyond all reason, without deserving a bit of it. And though I am the first person to complain about what I don't have..sitting here writing this and realizing what is BEAUTIFUL in my life has brought me to tears.

So here it goes: Keelynn (my beautiful daughter) and I
She's the most challenging beautifully rewarding thing I've ever laid eyes on. This happens to be an older picture but looking at it and her cute little lips and chubby cheeks and bald head are just heartbreaking and at the same time mindblowing..SHES A LITTLE ME!
There are some more recent ones of her. GORGEOUS!!!! Keelybug...she's the best thing in the world! :)

So for sake of space...I'll just write out the rest of the things I find beauty in (well some I think I could write all day)
Scotland, Celtic, Antiques, Hair, Makeup, Love, Music, Tattoos, Friendship, Poetry, Uniqueness, Castles, Pictures, Flight, Balloons, Coffee&Tea, Culinary Arts, FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY, Laughter, Elderly couple holding hands, Outgoing-ness, Dancing, My parents loving each other and staying together, Trees, Fall.

And finally the worst part for me...Finding beauty in myself..Now no doubt I upload a bazillion pictures of myself..but honestly...I just love taking pictures...and it's fun! Beauty in ME is hard...especially physically. After a baby let's just say I'm the farthest thing from perfect, it's hard to feel beautiful when you can't even fit in a dang tshirt without worrying about your tummy not being flat! SIGH! but at the end of the day..Who really cares, those who love me don't care about that stuff its just me! I'm so selfish, I obsess over it because I feel like society has totally skewed the REALITY of what beauty is..A rack of bones, and some designer dresses, really??? makes no sense but its so toxic the way we're "supposed to look" So the beautifying I need to worry about is Inward...I long to be beautiful to Christ, I need to set down all the worry and stress from not looking the way I think I need to and focus on Christ, after all he did make me beautiful.

1 Peter 3:3-4
“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” (NLT)


  1. you're right, those who really know and love you DON'T care about those things! loving this blog, darling!

  2. Thanks Kristance! It is so true but so hard to believe sometimes!

  3. Adina, can you send me a list of all the days? I started a blog just to do this. I think I'm going to learn so much about myself and women in general!
